It’s no strange occurrence that many Black people are now self-hating, perceives themselves as being their own worst enemies and thinks favorably of Caucasians - in spite of such a brutal history the contrary. These thoughts, that clearly benefit white societies, we’re deliberately indoctrinated into the minds of millions of Black people without most even realizing it. The white media’s unrelenting negative depictions of Black people— that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality-- is much more than just bias media reporting. It is actually a covert insidious Demoralizing Divide and Conquers psychological warfare campaign.
Demoralizing Divide and Conquer is the method of maintaining control over a targeted population through constant and unrelenting demoralization in order to create self-hate and division between them. It is a well-proven tactic that has been used for centuries by oppressors to control their oppressed population. Because when the oppressed are kept demoralized, divided, and self-hating; this condition makes them much easier to control. It also makes the oppressed more compliant with their oppressor’s dominance over their lives. African people globally are in fact the unknowing targets of the most elaborately deployed demoralizing divide and conquer psychological warfare campaign in history. It’s how the white world prevents us from unifying against them. White people own the media and create all societal narratives; therefore Black people interpret and understand society according to information and images presented by white people. Because white people control Black people’s interpretation of reality this allows them to shrewdly indoctrinate self contemptuous and divisive thoughts into the collective minds of Black people. This is secretly deemed as necessary because whenever people are oppressed for long periods their collective aggressions against the oppressive society will continue to grow until acts of rebellion and retribution become inevitable. The only way to prevent these acts of rebellion and retribution is by shifting the collective aggressions of the oppressed away from the oppressive society and redirecting it against themselves. This is achieved by constantly inundating the oppressed population with fraudulent negative demoralizing information about themselves that misleads them to believe that it is themselves as being their own worst enemies. This is the warfare tactic that is presently being deployed against Black people by white societies through the media.
This system is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly subjects Black people to seeing only the fraudulent worst within themselves. Within this system, fraudulent black racially demoralizing propaganda is pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black populations--without being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount Black positive racially affirming information. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects Black people in terms of our behaviors. It conveys the subliminal message that Black people are there own worst enemy and therefore needs whites to govern over their lives. Moreover, that Black people should admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This system is extremely effective because when Black people are repetitively presented these noted narratives from trusted white media sources it can be very difficult to resist it's implied programming. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly. With time, being unable to refute the constant negative information about themselves, many Black people eventually come to accept them. They unconsciously influence how many within the Black population perceives themselves, creating division and self-hatred among themselves. It also turns the collective aggressions of Black people away from their white oppressors and turns them inward towards themselves.
“Demoralize the enemy from within - this is the warfare of the future." - Adolf Hitler.
This brainwashing system is so effective that many Black people now insist that their negative assessment of their entire race is absolutely true. However, in reality, those Black people that presently make a negative generalization about their entire race cannot actually validate these statements based upon their own personal experiences. Those that insist that they can are not critically thinking or they’re delusional. Because it is not humanly possible to assess the collective state of millions of people based upon anyone’s individual experiences.

These negative perceptions about their entire race were actually indoctrinated into their minds by white media social engineering scientist and propaganda designers.

When people are constantly inundated with negative lies about themselves these lies become their reality. They begin to see only those things that appear to confirm the lies. White oppressive forces thoroughly studied this mental phenomenon and weaponized it against Black people. This psychological warfare program works so well in fact that it not only makes Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives, it, in fact, but also makes many even prefer it. It is at the root of both the feeling of self-hatred now afflicting so many Black people and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.
"The oppressed will always believe the (fraudulent) worse about themselves" --Franz Fanon
Throughout western history those empires that were brutally oppressive, fearing eventual retribution from the oppressed have always prevented such retribution by developing methods for controlling the minds of the oppressed. They go out of their way to make sure that the oppressed are perpetually misled and manipulated to think in ways that protect and serves the interests of the oppressive society. This is the reality presently faced by African people living under white dominance.
Oppressors have always maintained their dominance over the oppressed by imposing deceptive narratives upon them. Narratives that blinds and distracts the oppressed from seeing what’s really being done to them.
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