In a democratic system, political parties serve as a formidable opposition to the government in power. Political opposition is central to democracy, acting as a necessary counterbalance to the ruling party and ensuring accountability and responsiveness to the electorate. However, in Delta State, the opposition parties, particularly the All Progressives Congress (APC), have struggled to fulfill this crucial role.

Despite receiving significant support from Deltans in the last governorship election, the APC is highly factionalized and dysfunctional. This internal disarray has left the party weakened and unable to pose a significant threat to the well-organized Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The APC's lack of a strong base in parts of Delta North and South, further exacerbates its challenges. The internal leadership crisis within the APC has created a vacuum in effective political opposition, allowing the PDP to dominate the political landscape unchallenged.

Compounding this issue is the behavior of major opposition leaders, who are conspicuously absent from Delta State for most of the year. These leaders, who visit like tourists during elections and then disappear, contribute to the sense of political apathy among the populace, particularly party members. Their lack of consistent presence and engagement with the community undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the opposition.

The weakened and almost non-existent opposition in Delta State has significant implications for the democratic process. With no strong opposition to checkmate the impunity of the PDP hegemony, the government operates with little accountability. The populace, facing growing deprivation and suffering under a narrow-minded government, has become increasingly docile and apathetic. This apathy is understandable given the lack of a viable political alternative and the pervasive sense of hopelessness.

For a healthy democracy to thrive in Delta State, it is imperative that the opposition parties, particularly the APC, resolve their internal crises and build a strong, unified front. Effective opposition is crucial for holding the government accountable, ensuring transparency, and advocating for the needs and rights of the citizens. Without it, the democratic system in Delta State will remain unbalanced, and the people will continue to suffer from poor governance and lack of proper representation.

While political opposition is central to the operation of a democratic system, much is still expected from the opposition parties in Delta State. The APC's internal issues and the absence of viable opposition leaders have left the state without a strong counterbalance to the ruling PDP. To restore faith in the democratic process and improve governance, it is essential for the opposition to reorganize, unify, and actively engage with the electorate. Only then can Delta State hope to achieve a more balanced and effective democratic system.
