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The support system in sports at its core reflects the values and consciousness of our society but most people are not mindful of that. Sports is a form of ethnicity or tribalism, a vicarious way to engage in a form of group identity and belonging. Sports is deeply tribal in the sense we root for our teams (or countries of origin) during the Olympics, international contests and tournaments like the World Cup. On the local level, we usually support the neighborhood teams, area college and professional teams especially if they are doing well.
In the world, sports enthusiasm  is akin to ethnicity or tribalism. "After all, we are social animals. We depend on the tribe for our safety and well-being. When the lion attacks, as a group we've got a shot. Alone, we're lion chow. When our tribe is doing well (economically, militarily, public health, whatever...), our chances go up. When it's doing poorly, our chances go down. So, it feels good to belong to a winning ethnic group or tribe, and not so good—threatening, in fact—to belong to a group that's losing.

Think about all the ways we support the tribe. We subconsciously choose our views on many issues so they match the views in the groups we most strongly identify with, a theory called Cultural Cognition. We vote for our tribe (political party). We fight to the death for our tribe in everything from gang wars to wars between nations (tribes). In fact, if you look at a lot of the wars and mass violence in recent history they were about nothing BUT tribe; Protestants v. Catholics in Northern Ireland, Serbs v. Croats v. Muslims in the Balkans, Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda." David Ropeik.

There is nothing inherently evil with ethnicity or tribalism it is natural extension of the family an integral part of human existence/experience. Ethnicity or tribalism was the first social organization it called for hierarchal leadership, cohesion and cooperation. Every community across the globe retains and protects its tribal legacies.
The modern nation State has replaced the indigenous tribe and the clan as the predominant socio-political entity around the world. Nevertheless, modern nationalism and patriotism are forms of ethnicity or tribalism. The brouhaha about the current clamour for restructuring is an interrelated example of ethnicity or tribalism, tribal loyalties and antagonisms. It essentially deals with identity politics.
As far as the ethnic or tribal and cultural wars continue to percolate the country, the conflicting ethnic groups or tribes are becoming more vociferous and increasingly demonstrative. Will the clashes intensify into a major internal war, or will the upcoming election season provide a distraction and respite from the commotions? The conclusion is obvious: as a country, we must find ways to deal with identity politics through restructuring.       
