FALLOUT FROM EKITI ELECTION: Nigeria’s Democracy Is Indigenous

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The Ekiti State governorship election results announced that APC won. How does this win by APC become a cause for concern by most Nigerians now trusting no angel can fix our permanent problems?
How APC won the Ekiti Guber contest, has indicated to the nation that Buhari is not going anywhere very soon. That sends some shock waves across all hopeless people all over, hopeless workers and the ever-growing unemployed across Nigeria.
In a democracy, people have the freedom to choose their leaders but in Nigeria, our leaders choose for themselves.
What I know though from having read about different democracy, is that the ordinary citizens must be equally treated if we believe we live in a civil and working democracy.
There are different types of democracies. I will mention two.
 1) A civilized democracy. I know it. You, the reader, probably know it or can imagine one.
 2) An uncivilized democracy. I know it too. It is what we are enjoying here now in Nigeria.
 Is this kind bad for us in Nigeria?
 Well, if we never had any that is different from what we have at hand now, we cannot say what we have is not unique to us, after all, we are the architects of our kind of a democracy, aren’t we? 
There may be other kinds of a democracy and if they are there, I have known enough so those others I don't know can die, just like how number 1 in this list may never be in Nigeria if we keep doing same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Sorry, I must say this: the firewood known to a people usually serves them well in cooking their foods. It implies that we have to start getting used to our uncivilized democracy because no one can give what he does not have. We have uncivil democracy because most of our political operatives are uncivil and we picked them from within us.
That is what is. It is probably the only truth about our tomorrow in Nigeria and most about Nigeria, the type Biafra wants to escape from.
Nigeria is running a system full of confusion and chaos, the thugs thrive in a State of anarchy.
Nigerians are used to uncivilized democracy which Fella called democrazy practiced by the crazy fools amongst; this is Nigeria Biafra don’t want to be a part anymore and want to escape from this burning house.

They are not a governing race the Americans said about them. They are children. They were tutored in the worst estate in the act of self-government. Time and time again the mediocre point the way and superior ability are forced to follow.
