CAIRO OJOUGBOU: Negative Bias Vs. Integrity

We all have biases but what we all don't have, innately, is integrity. The reason is because integrity emerges from character building and over time, not necessarily over a long time, but over a consistency of passing character challenging tests.

Biases are not always formed from concerted thoughtfulness, they are mostly primordially formed; that is why we make concerted efforts to dump negative biases through education and other forms of enlightenment.

Most enlightened persons have enough integrity to tell speciousness from reason. There are instances when it is to our honour to set aside our biases for reason, even if doing so may be tasking to our general points of view.

Considering the above, why would any person of integrity pay attention to Cairo Ojougbou's words that were designed to throw Deltans and indeed Nigerians off the revelation by Dr. Ibe Kachukwu that the NNPC GMD and of course Buhari awarded contract of $25b, an amount that is larger than the 2017 federal budget, including appointments that are skewed against South, particularly the South-south.  Informed people would never cite the allegations of Ojougbou, because they know that he wrote them erroneously and to change the conversation, as diversionary ploy.

In all sincerity, Cairo Ojougbou has long ago squandered the opportunity to remain afloat with integrity and character, because of his “man must wack” attitude.

The most important point to the above is to let those with negative biases know that Cairo Ojougbou's invocation is nothing but a semi-literate nuisance who is merely passing off silliness for facts. His entire tirade has zero validity and respectability. A properly educated person, without ignorance-induced biases, knows that no government runs without a Budget.

However, APC simpletons were kept busy looking up to the State government to publish the Budget, feeling that Ojougbou had made an earth-shattering revelation, but it would have been too childish for him to deserve a more serious response than he got.

Not even kindergarten kids would believe something that thoughtlessly ridiculous were they not negatively biased against Governor Okowa. 
