Donald Trump’s Absurdly Appropriate Candidacy | The Nation

In what may go down as the defining moment of the 2016 Republican Presidential Race, the party insiders in Colorado have completed their scheme to cancel the voice of over 900,000 registered Republicans and award the States delegates to Senator Ted Cruz in what is widely believed to be a transparent attack on the candidacy of Donald Trump. In late August Republican insiders quietly decided to cancel the vote of the citizens of Colorado, a move that put the election of delegates into the hands of establishment insiders and activists. Now, seven months later, the scheme has apparently paid off with Cruz gaining all 34 of the States delegates." https://www.intellihub.com/gop-establishment-cancels-vote-in-colorado/

The 2016 presidential primaries are revealing just how corrupt the American political system actually is. The revelations are getting more bizarre and disturbing every day. As the stakes get higher the Democratic and Republican Party inner circles are rallying to maintain the status quo in the face of overwhelming voter dissatisfaction, discontent and a genuine desire to alter the current course of politics in the United States. During the various presidential primaries both political parties have distinguished themselves as unabashedly corrupt.

Beginning in Iowa there were allegations Ted Cruz won based on voter fraud and dirty tricks. As Donald Trump surged and won several States to become the front runner the Republican elites have openly and publicly conspired to deny him the chance to become the Republican nominee. They are so desperate they are plotting several strategies to steal the nomination from Trump: one is to rig the elections in favor of Ted Cruz who is universally disliked by the Party and a man many say is not qualified to run since he is not a natural born citizen of the US and the other plan is to do everything possible to deny Trump the need delegates to win on the first ballot so they can manipulate a "brokered convention" in Cleveland Ohio this summer. That is not democracy where the party members choose the candidates they want to represent them by voting in the primary and general elections.  What we are seeing in both political parties is banana republic or third world type stuff.

Bernie Sanders to Billionaires: ‘You Can’t Have It All!’ | The ...

On the Democratic Party side, Hillary Clinton is alleged to have used out of State paid staffers pretending to be precinct captains in Iowa to steer local participants to vote for her. There are additional instances of seeming irregularity such as in every contested precinct vote in Iowa the winner was decided by a coin toss; and in a statistical improbability, Hillary Clinton won every toss! Moving on from Iowa, Clinton used her formidable backing by the party insiders to gain every advantage possible. But even with that Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls and has won eight straight primaries.

From all indication democracy and the electoral system are sham and totally corrupt. This has been known for decades but what we are seeing now confirms in the digital era for the whole world to see.

As the 2016 presidential circus continues to unfound, do not be surprised when the ruling classes pull strings, bend the rules or openly steal the nominations from Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. What we are seeing is abject proof that the American system is totally corrupt and the will of the people is being thwarted! The ruling elites have high jacked the system, elections are a sham merely a way to keep the rabble going for the ruling elites' okeydokey.

This is not to say don't vote. You should vote. But as we can see, the presidential process is a farce. We should recognize this and act accordingly.
