![Pastor Bayo Afolaranmi's profile photo, Image may contain: 1 person](https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c0.32.160.160/p160x160/407862_10150452207902535_77682494_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeFdcHGCK9V_1qthQD60kdfj0pw1ymZaCFB3ok_dzabhkOUNORK15Q6Y8MwokcjHBOPsJ8O7BDhCtjfH7yqQK54c3APPyYywfYdKPPgdt1l1cw&oh=5582160e7db29d98fd1bbb19b60cb38b&oe=591B3EDF)
David was a shepherd boy
who was forgotten even by his father when it mattered most: choosing the person
to be divinely anointed as the future king for Israel from his siblings. God
fished him out from where he was taking care of his father’s sheep and made
Prophet Samuel anoint him as the next king of Israel (see 1 Samuel 16).
He was too young to be
enlisted in the fighting force that would face the then avowed enemies of
Israel – the Philistines, and his elder brother, Eliab, looked down on him when
he volunteered to confront Goliath. Yet, he killed the giant and instantly
became a hero in Israel (see 1 Samuel 17).
By virtue of his
bravery, he became a son-in-law of King Saul (see 1 Samuel 18). In spite of
these, he became a wanderer trying to save his life from the jealous king. He
even had to relocate his parents to another country. It was during this period
that others like him that were in distress, in debt, and/or discontented (about
four hundred men) gathered to him, and he became their leader – leader of
rascals and “hopeless” people! Interestingly, these “hopeless” people became
the mighty men that God used to establish the Davidic dynasty in Israel (see 1
Samuel 22; 1 Chronicles 12).
What would have been in
David’s mind when he was leading these “hopeless” rascals? Did he have any hope
of better future for these people and himself? He knew that God through Prophet
Samuel had anointed him (David) as the next king of Israel. However, how would
he ascend the throne when the incumbent king was after his life? Could the
hopeless rascals who could not help themselves help him? In spite of these, he
waited for his time, and he eventually became the greatest king of Israel.
Many people today also
have become “wanderers” in the journey of life because of hatred, jealousy,
persecution and intimidation of the powers that be around them. Other seemingly
hopeless people that are also seeking refuge from their own predicaments may
even surround these people. In spite of these, there is hope for each of them
if they could look unto God for solace. The Lord God is the defender of the
helpless, especially the less privileged (see Psalm 68:5; Exodus 22:23;
Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 10:14c; 146:9; Proverbs 15:25).
Does it seem as if you
are also a “wanderer” in the journey of life because of hatred, jealousy,
persecution and intimidation of the powers that be around you? Are you leading
people that are in hopeless or helpless situations? Are you and your followers
been ridiculed today? Rely on God. He will vindicate you. No matter what, you
will reach your Promise Land soon. You will soon become a force to be reckoned
with in Jesus’s name. Amen.
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