Some don't understand why some of us are so disturbed about people lying about the past. What they don't get is - the past is the future.

Let me tell you a story:

In the 1543, Copernicus said that the sun was the center of our universe with earth circling it. Nobody agreed! A full generation later, Galileo Galilei said the same thing after observation. He faced even tougher opposition - an inquisition. 

Galileo was actually tried in court & had to denounce his theory to avoid being killed. The mob was convinced they were right. Now this was essentially the past that Copernicus had established that Galileo was repeating. People said it was wrong.

Now here's the important bit:

It was only after Copernicus & Galileo's theory was accepted that man could have satellites, etc. In essence, the reason you have satellite TV is because people finally agreed with the truth of the past and stopped believing lies. The reason we could do all the great things we've done with space is because people stopped believing lies.

Believing lies blocks progress:

Now people like Garba Shehu, Lai Mohammed, Tolu Ogunlesi and Femi Adesina wants to establish lies in Nigeria about the past.

There is a new narrative the economy is bad because of past "massive looting". The problem is, if we believe it, we'll waste time chasing folks "fighting corruption" instead of focusing on sound policy. See where we are today as a country. 

Believing lies sets you up for a future of retarded progress and failure. That is why these lies bother me – They will stagnate progress. From leading African Economy to nothing. 

Now let's examine this "massive looting = bad economy" claim. Previous budgets were N4.7trn annually on average. Let's assume they stole, economy was relatively quite robust on a N4.7trn budget plus looting

Now the story is that looting has stopped/reduced right? Follow along? Now the government has spent about N1.77trn in Q2 & about N1.22trn in Q1 2016. That's N2.9trn so far! Isn't that outrageous?

Now if we extrapolate on what has been spent so far for the rest of the year, total spend comes to N5.98

See the issue? I'll explain:

Basically, current spending is MORE than before AND there's supposed to be no looting or less looting. So why is the economy bad?

As per fiscal stimulus, there is supposed to have been an increase going by numbers and also by supposed "less looting". So why recession?

This is the problem with believing lies:

Not only do they not stand up to light scrutiny, they set you off on the wrong course of action. If by the new propaganda that fair budget + looting = recession. Then shouldn't Bigger budget + "less looting" = growth?

This is why some of us oppose this attempt to establish lies about the past and rewrite history. It will damage our future and stall progress as a nation.

Instead of trying desperately to lie about that past, find out the policies that yielded growth. Replicate them and let's grow!

As it was in the time of Copernicus & Galilei, so it is now. Not until men dropped lies and went back to agree with truth, did man progress.
