A free mind is a mind that is open to
everything and attached to nothing. Most people spend much of their time looking for reasons to be offended. An open mind is never offended because it
is free of any attachments.
It is never the self that is offended
but always the illusion that the self has of itself that is affected by insult! If you can really understand this, deeply grasp its truth, live it
each day, then the pain will be no more.
Next time you 'feel' offended look
closely within yourself, at yourself and ask yourself what was offended? If
you remain aware you will see that it was only an image of yourself which you
had become attached to, and that image did not resonate with the image
contained in the insult.
If you weren't attached, if you
didn't identify with the wrong image of yourself then there would be no offence taken. You would then remain free and therefore happy.
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