"How many false flags in
recent history have all had the same feature: drills at the same time at the
same (or a nearby) place? 21st Century Wire reports
that Dr. Patrick Pelloux was “a ‘survivor’ of the Charlie Hebdo shootings” who just happened to be on the scene at
these shootings. That in and of itself is a coincidence, but Pelloux
actually stated that a “multi-site attack exercise”Paris http://www.zengardner.com/paris-shooting-10-ways-looks-like-hallmark-false-flag-op/
I'm seeing a lot of Black folks draping their profile in the French flag,
posting on FaceBook sharing their sense of loss for what happened in Paris last
week. Most of them can be forgiven their ignorance and lack of awareness of the
evil and dastardly nature of the real perpetrators of the event. Most people
have been duped and brainwashed to believe everything they hear and see on mass
media not realizing the mass media is a global propaganda tool used to shape
their perceptions of reality and entrain their minds to "see" the
world thought a particular lens. I caution you not to drink the Kool Aid or
fall for the proverbial okey-doke. The most recent Paris "attack" in
my humble opinion is a classic false flag operation, and I am not alone in this
assessment. Go to
and read the article by Makia Freeman who points out ten compelling indicators
the attack was indeed a false flag operation.
What is a false flag operation you ask? It is a situation where a group or an
individual disguises himself, herself or themselves and does something against
another person group or nation to make the victims think someone else did it.
The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a classic false flag operation. British
colonists in Boston disguised themselves as Native Americans and threw tea into
the Boston Harbor so the British would think it was "Indians" who did
it. The term "false flag" goes back to the days when European nation
states sailing the seas would hoist the flag of another nation when they attacked
a ship, a coast or colony to make any survivors or witnesses think it was
another country who did it.
Having said all that, there is additional information coming out that leads me
to suspect the latest Paris attack was not the work of fanatical Jihadists but
of cunning resourceful well-coordinated Western agents or agencies. Just as
9-11 was not the work of a man dying from renal failure living in a cave in
Afghanistan or nineteen supposed Muslim fanatics but executed by a well-connected,
well-funded group of insiders within the US government allied with
representatives and supporters of a foreign power. In the recent Paris attack
it was discovered the French Security agencies were hacked and disabled prior
to the attacks thus rendering the authorities unable to detect, intervene or
stop them! Paul Craig Roberts an Assistant Treasury Secretary during the Ronald
Reagan administration who has seen the light and regularly exposes the
machinations, mischief and insanity of the Washington Beltway crowd reports
this in his most recent article, "I have received a report from
European security that there was a massive cyber-attack on French systems 48
hours prior to and during the Paris attacks. Among other things, the attack
took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance the
attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that
targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware. Such an attack is beyond the
capability of most organizations and requires capability that is unlikely to be
in ISIL’s arsenal. An attack on this scale is difficult to pull off without
authorities getting wind of it. The coordination required suggests state
involvement." http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/11/15/french-security-left-blind-during-paris-attacks-2/
The "attacks" on 9-11, the 7/7 London subway bombing, the Boston
Marathon bombing and now this latest Paris situation all were done under cloak
of simultaneous first responder drills and/or live police/military simulation
exercises. This is not coincidental. The oligarchs seeking to install their
fascist New World Order will stop at nothing to frighten,
dupe, bamboozle and intimidate us into going along with their depraved agenda.
The Project for a New American Century signees better known as
Neo-Cons stated a major catastrophe was the only thing that would allow them to
usher in their program of military imperialism and a domestic police state.
"In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century
(PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush
administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the
radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated
the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the
military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased
centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other
policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power.
In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring
to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper
states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of
democracy and freedom, 'this process of transformation is likely to be a long
one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.'
(ibid.)" http://www.911hardfacts.com/report_04.htm
This is in their own words written to fellow fascists, warmongers and potential
elected officials. In it they indicted themselves and exposed their plan. Their
goal is to trick us into thinking we are under attack, they would then move in
with their plan/program to save us.
This was not an original idea. Hitler who was financed by major US
industrialists, banksters and corporations used this same trick. On February
27, 1933 his party burned down the German Parliament building called the
Reichstag blaming it on a few "communist" patsies; thus allowing
Hitler to assume dictatorial powers under theEnabling Bill the model for the USA PATRIOT ACT.
To fully glean the
diabolical implications of all this go to
and http://www.hermes-press.com/germany1930.htm to see how far along or gone we
You say okay, but why is France being targeted? Good question. The people
behind these dastardly deeds want to accomplished several objectives at once:
create fear and panic, demonize a target group in this case Muslims jihadists
(who by the way are recruited, created and funded by the Saudis, British MI6
the US CIA and Israeli Mossad), to hype people into reactionary revenge to
justify future actions such France bombing Syria, Israel expanding their
territory, Western hatred of all Muslims and possible WWIII scenario and
to punish France for voting to recognize Palestine as a state. For a few more
reasons go to http://www.zengardner.com/paris-shooting-10-ways-looks-like-hallmark-false-flag-op/
Who benefits from a false flag operation like this you ask? For starters the
military industrial complex, defense contractors, the banksters, sundry
warmongers as well as the real Axis of Evil US/NATO/UK/France/Israel and their
lackeys in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Stock prices for the defense contractors
are up as a result of the attacks. "The Paris attacks took place on
Friday night. Since then, France’s president has vowed “war” on ISIS and today significantly
escalated the country’s bombing campaign in Syria (France
has been bombing ISIS in Iraqsince
last January, and began
bombing the group in Syria in September). Already
this morning, as Aaron Cantú noticed,
the stocks of the leading weapons manufacturers — what is usually referred to
as the 'defense industry' — have soared" https://theintercept.com/2015/11/16/stock-prices-of-weapons-manufacturers-soaring-since-paris-attack/
White folks are making millions off of this and this is the continuation and
escalation of the bogus "Global War on Terror". Don't fall for the
okey-doke this situation is not what it is being promoted in mind control
apparatus. For all you Black folks crying and praying for the people in Paris
my question to you is, did you cry or pray for the Kenyans, Nigerians, or the
millions of innocent people in Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and
Afghanistan who are being incinerated and killed by US drones, Israeli and NATO
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