There are quite a lot of lessons to take away from the last electioneering season. The biggest of them all being from the victory of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa at the party primary, the general election and at the supreme court. Our faith in God should increase and be deepened by the conviction that God does not take anyone on a journey to leave the person half-way stranded.

Our APC brothers were boasting that the federal government will influence the judgement and it will be delivered in their own favour and during the re-run, whether Delta people vote for APC or not, they will be declared winner. They trusted in Federal might but we trusted in the supremacy of God.

Those who have followed the Divine mandate were not weary about the outcome of the supreme Court even when colleagues and friends always asked, why the confidence? This victory has rubbished the book makers and demoralized the political desperados. It has brought to shame and confusion the politicians whose only idea of being in politics is to be where they make profits not to impact on the lives of the common man.

Gov Okowa’s Thanksgiving Service Marking the Resounding Victory ...

The power of Governor Okowa's destiny and aura is what drives him to high places of life. That is why even people within strove hard to frustrate him by condemning him and engaged in anti-party activities yet the supreme energy behind him is so forceful that no mortal can convene an obstruction against his aspiration and person because it is divinely motivated. His coming to power is divine, God says in Romans 8:29-30 tells us, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Ephesians 1:5 and 11 declare “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will…In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is a man whose time has come, so there is no machination of any man that can destroy his mandate. A renowned pastor in one of his sermons, said that, the most dangerous man on earth is the man whose time has come.

When men rose up to fight him, God rose up not only to defend him, but he will not spare anyone coming against him, God’s Grace upon him causes all men, spirits and demons to work in his favour. Governor Ifeanyi Okowa's victory over the high and mighty to become Delta State Governor in 2015 is a mission that has been ordained by God himself. When God made him governor out of the multitude of Aspirants, there was a purpose for his enthronement.

Many did not see this except God, but today the purposes of his leadership have been revealed through his strides, despite the difficult financial situation facing the country and the States. To every man there is a purpose of why you are born into this world to fulfill.

The supremacy of God is what gives Governor Okowa victory, alters the predictions of all books makers and destroys all the manipulations of the APC in the Judiciary. All should fear God, there is a purpose God sent Governor Okowa at this time to Delta State. I know it will manifest positively. He will not disappoint Delta people. No one is greater than God
